An immersive and empowering 3D platform for youth; mind mapping, creative writing and digital photography, virtual reality and gaming technology, 3D and 360 imagery, and sound composition. This innovative convergence of artforms allows youth to express powerful self-identity in the natural world, creating virtual stories as speculative universes on the future of wilderness, set in the year 2050.

2025 Workshop Models

1-day workshop: 4 hours: featuring Virtual Reality Headsets, Mind Mapping and Creative Writing, and Gamify Challenge. This workshop is exclusively $500 for regional schools, inclusive of travel and project webhosting by Parallel Wilds.

2-day workshop: 8 hours: featuring Gamify Challenge, Mind Mapping and Creative Writing, 3D 360 Filming and Sound Composition, optional Gamify Design, and Virtual Reality Headsets. This workshop is $2,000 inclusive of travel and project webhosting by Parallel Wilds.

3-day workshop: 12 hours: featuring Virtual Reality Headsets, Mind Mapping and Creative Writing, 3D 360 Filming and Digital Photography, Sound Composition and Narrative Recording, and Gamify Challenge. This workshop is $3,000 inclusive of travel and project webhosting by Parallel Wilds.

For information and bookings for 2025, contact